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Stormwater Basin | PhillyWatersheds.org
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Stormwater Basin

  • user warning: Disk full (/jet/tmp/mysqld/#sql_67ce_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") query: SELECT t.*,v.weight AS v_weight_unused FROM term_node r INNER JOIN term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE r.vid = 6232 ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, t.name in /jet/app/www/default/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 640.
  • user warning: Disk full (/jet/tmp/mysqld/#sql_67ce_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device") query: SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM blocks b LEFT JOIN blocks_roles r ON b.module = r.module AND b.delta = r.delta WHERE b.theme = 'pwdoow_whatweredoing' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (1) OR r.rid IS NULL) ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module in /jet/app/www/default/modules/block/block.module on line 460.
A stormwater basin is a vegetated depression designed to store, infiltrate and/or slow stormwater runoff that would otherwise cause flooding and erosion. A retention basin, or wet pond, is designed to collect and store runoff as a permanent pool of water that removes pollutants through settling and biological uptake. A detention basin collects runoff and slows the flow before releasing it into a smaller outlet. An infiltration basin operates much like a detention basin, except it is designed to infiltrate the runoff into permeable soil. While basins have traditionally been large, mowed systems with concrete channels, newer designs incorporate native vegetation that allows for greater filtration and improvement of water quality.  

Stormwater Basin at Cliveden Park

The stormwater demonstration project at Cliveden Park captures runoff from adjacent streets and uses the park’s natural topography to detain stormwater before it flows into the combined sewer system. Small upland depressions provide water quality treatment and infiltration of stormwater, and a modified outlet structure allows water to pond in the existing wetland before it is slowly released. The system will provide stormwater volume removal through evapotranspiration and infiltration, and will reduce the flow rate to the combined sewer system during the small, frequent storms that cause the majority of combined sewer overflows. The system meets stormwater management objectives, enhances the existing wetland in the park, and is also provides an amenity for the park community.



Chew Ave and Johnson Ave, Philadelphia, PA

Mt. Airy

Google Map of 39.939472,-75.15823

Lead Agency

Philadelphia Water Department


Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Philadelphia Department of Recreation
Friends of Cliveden Park
Bank of America