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Bloomberg: Invest in Green Stormwater Infrastructure

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Stormwater bumpouts at Queen Lane in East Falls

According to a recent newsletter published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance—the clean-energy investment arm of the independent analysis/data firm—green stormwater infrastructure can grow more than just plants. With tighter stormwater regulations on the horizon and more U.S. cities committing to green infrastructure solutions, market growth is happening as well. The Nov. 23 newsletter ("US Stormwater Programme Poised For Green Growth") claims that investors in green infrastructure systems could see long-term growth; nationwide, we're already spending nearly $1 billion a year. It also highlights Philadelphia's Green City, Clean Waters plan:

"On completion, the program will achieve a reduction in annual pollution discharge equivalent to that which would be attained through the capture and treatment of 85% of Philadelphia's combined sewage output. It therefore offers a significant cost saving versus an entirely grey approach which, according to the PWD, would cost up to $10 billion and would require the construction of a vast underground storage system, as well as expansion of the combined sewer network.

Philadelphia's Green City, Clean Waters program is expected to be replicated many times over the next few decades."